A diptych with common themes, in which the character of the heroine of the first part appears in the second one as well, thus creating a loose connection - and the only one - between the two films. A ...
Ein kleines Dorf im Berner Oberland. Hier gerät das beschauliche Leben hoffungslos aus den Fugen, als sich der Koch eines indischen Filmteams in die Kellnerin des Gasthofs "Hirschen" verlie...
They are called permanent singles, absolute beginners or people without relationship experience. They have never held hands or made out at the movies. They don't know how to find a partner or how one ...
Dokumentarfilm über den griechischen Komponisten Mikis Theodorakis, Jahrgang 1925, der nicht zuletzt durch seine Filmmusiken berühmt wurde und als bekanntester griechischer Komponist des 20. Jahrhun...
A melodrama about a blacksmith on a war battlefield who wrongly imagines his seriously injured friend to be dead. After the war, he marries the wife of this man, but to everyone's surprise this man re...
A man (Giorgos Kampanellis) meets and falls in love with a Cypriot woman (Nelly Pappa). They overcome various obstacles and manage to get married.
Young Alexander Snobman is the son of the town's richest sausage maker, and the neighbour of Philip Helt, an up-and-coming engineer. Both of the young gentlemen are captivated by the dancer Eva Sommer...
This is a free adaptation of the ancient myth of Hero and Leander – the myth of Aphrodite’s priestess who fell in love with a young man from Abydos. On a remote island of the Aegean, a fugitive (G...
Mikis Theodorakis in "Dance Fight Love Die - With Mikis on the Road" (2017)
"Dance Fight Love Die - With Mikis on the Road" (2017)
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Presseinformation (Auszug) zu "Liebe, Tanz und 1000 Schlager".